Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hinnerup, DK

A nice ride this evening which began along a rolling country road with great pastorial views and through an old village. We then descended into the Count's forrest on dirt logging roads (this particular Count owns the largest track of forrested land in Denmark!). Much of the forrest was reminescent of the "black forrest," though the Iron Age burial mounds added a deeper touch of mystery. The weather was just like at home: it began in the sunshine and ended in the rain. About a 12 k ride. Hope to have one more of the same prior to departure. Thanks to Aksel, my riding partner, host, and cousin-in-law (pictured). Thanks also to Jasper for loan of the bike. MTB Mistress.

1 comment:

Mtn-Biking Man said...

Nice job getting a ride in! (Love the bike knickers, matching socks!)

Best regards -- John . . .